Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Virtual Worlds Presentation for 2012 Virtual Enterprise Conference at Glyndŵr University

The Virtual Enterprise Conference at Glyndŵr University brings together a diverse range of web entrepreneurs, students and academics to discuss the opportunities for e-entrepreneurship offered by virtual worlds and the social web.  It's hosted each year by the Centre for Entrepreneurial Learning at Glyndŵr University.

On Feb 23 at this year's conference, I had the pleasure of giving a presentation on Best Practices in Virtual Worlds.  Here's the full video.  

The Right Tool for the Right Job: Best Practices for Virtual Worlds from John Lester on Vimeo.

You can grab a copy of my slides on Google, and you can visit the Jibe world featured in my presentation by going here.

Thanks again to Matthew Draycott from the Centre for Entrepreneurial Learning at Glyndŵr University for inviting me to speak.  It was a great opportunity!

- John "Pathfinder" Lester
Chief Learning Officer
ReactionGrid, Inc.


  1. A most nail firmly hit on the head talk John, am liking the term "emotional bandwidth " also aware how difficult a concept with regard virtual worlds technology today to put these exciting ideas across using yes as you say the integration of known technologies such as slides and iconic pictures yet knowing for the uninitiated who cannot see the future the thought that you will not be understood even as you speak.

    As such all in this scenario trying to make the point about the future of 3D space end up being advocates for creative thought which really should not be our jobs "grin"

    Thanks for the post. Kwame Oh

  2. Very good presentation, John. Thanks

  3. Thanks Kwame and Shamblesguru! I'm happy you enjoyed it.
