Monday, August 29, 2011

Jibe 1.4.2 Update Released

A small update released for Jibe today for the benefit of those customers who use the Photon server backend for Jibe. This 1.4.2 patch will make it possible to use multiple scenes with the Photon network server for Jibe, and implements custom data functionality.

The patch and accompanying notes are, as usual, on the main JibeDownloads site. I recommend anyone using Jibe 1.4.1, particularly those using the Photon server, should grab this patch and apply according to the upgrade notes included in the zip.

Any problems or questions, please drop us a note at and we'll do our best to help.


Monday, August 22, 2011

Jibe 1.4.1 Update Released

The Jibe 1.4.1 update is now available to all Jibe 1.4 customers. This update is a patch to fix some issues identified with custom data events in Jibe, and also to fix a camera script to pick up on Unity layers correctly.

Thanks go to John Lester for testing the custom data code and providing essential feedback that lead to the fix. Thanks also Neil Zehr for the camera script fix, and Doug Danforth for finding a single typo in the Jibe manual (fixed in the 1.4.1 release of the manual!)

The patch and accompanying notes are on the main JibeDownloads site. I recommend anyone using Jibe 1.4 grab this patch and apply according to the upgrade notes included in the zip.

Any further bugs, please report in to MetaverseHeroes and we'll track them and get fixes applied in future releases. Your feedback improves the platform!


Friday, August 12, 2011

Interlinking Jibe Worlds

Some high level napkin drawings showing how you can expand and interlink Jibe worlds.  The orange triangles indicate a unique Jibe world.  The linked blue circles indicate a local "teleport" connected scene.  Scenes can be thought of like levels in video games.  When you land in the initial Jibe world landing scene "A" or "B" (yellow triangles) you can then locally teleport within that world to other scenes (blue circles).

Traveling to a JiWay portal (the green circles) you can "transport" to a completely new Jibe world.  We are working on things like user profiles as web services (blue cloud) so JiWay transports user name, avatar description, inventory items & more.  JiWay can also connect to stuff like Facebook Connect,  real world sensors and even accept travel one day from other virtual world platform users via web services (blue cloud).

If you are a school teaching a class using Jibe each student can get the free Unity3D editor & create a scene (models, scripts, media and more) & then export it for import into the main Jibe world as a new blue circle teleport ready scene.  In this way each student has their own unique area connected to the main Jibe world.

When I get the first sySTEMic world presentation finalized we will see this structure in action as we teleport locally within sySTEMic and universally via JiWay transports to visit other worlds on other domains.